The C++ Debugging Support Library

Tutorial 7: Advanced examples

In this tutorial you will learn how to make memory allocations «invisible» so that they will not show up in the Allocated memory Overview, how to find information about an allocated memory block given an arbitrary pointer pointing inside it and how to write simple memory-leak detection code.

7.1 Removing allocations from the Allocated memory Overview

Sometimes a program can allocate a very large number of memory blocks.  Having all of those in the Allocated memory Overview could make it impractically large.  Therefore it is possible to remove items from this list.

In the following example we make one allocation invisible by using the function make_invisible():

Compile as: g++ -g -DCWDEBUG -lcwd -o invisible


#include "sys.h"
#include "debug.h"

int main(void)
  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
  Debug( dc::malloc.on() );

  int* first = new int;
  AllocTag2(first, "first");

  int* second = new int;
  AllocTag2(second, "second");

  Debug( list_allocations_on(libcw_do) );

  Debug( make_invisible(first) );

  Debug( list_allocations_on(libcw_do) );

  delete second;
  delete first;

  return 0;

The output of this program is

MALLOC  : operator new (size = 4) = 0xbbb2b0 []
MALLOC  : operator new (size = 4) = 0xdab370 []
MALLOC  : Allocated memory: 72712 bytes in 3 blocks.
          0xdab370   int; (sz = 4)  second
          0xbbb2b0    int; (sz = 4)  first
malloc    0xb940c0  <unknown type>; (sz = 72704) 
MALLOC  : Allocated memory: 72708 bytes in 2 blocks.
          0xdab370   int; (sz = 4)  second
malloc    0xb940c0  <unknown type>; (sz = 72704) 
MALLOC  : delete 0xdab370   int; (sz = 4)  second 

As you can see, the first allocation at line 9 disappeared from the overview after it was made invisible.

Pointer validation at de-allocation is still performed however.  For instance, when we make a mistake when freeing the first int:

Compile as: g++ -g -DCWDEBUG -lcwd -o coredump


#include "sys.h"
#include "debug.h"

int main(void)
  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
  Debug( dc::malloc.on() );

  int* first = new int;
  AllocTag2(first, "first");

  int* second = new int;
  AllocTag2(second, "second");

  Debug( list_allocations_on(libcw_do) );

  Debug( make_invisible(first) );

  Debug( list_allocations_on(libcw_do) );

  delete second;
  delete [] first;	// Make a deliberate error

  return 0;

then the output becomes

MALLOC  : operator new (size = 4) = 0x2569200 []
MALLOC  : operator new (size = 4) = 0x26b83c0 []
MALLOC  : Allocated memory: 72712 bytes in 3 blocks.
          0x26b83c0   int; (sz = 4)  second
          0x2569200    int; (sz = 4)  first
malloc    0x24a10c0  <unknown type>; (sz = 72704) 
MALLOC  : Allocated memory: 72708 bytes in 2 blocks.
          0x26b83c0   int; (sz = 4)  second
malloc    0x24a10c0  <unknown type>; (sz = 72704) 
MALLOC  : delete 0x26b83c0   int; (sz = 4)  second 
COREDUMP: You are `delete[]'-ing a block that was allocated with `new'!  Use `delete' instead.

Also the function test_delete() still works:

Compile as: g++ -g -DCWDEBUG -lcwd -o test_delete


#include "sys.h"
#include "debug.h"

int main(void)
  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
  Debug( dc::malloc.on() );
  Debug( dc::notice.on() );

  void* p = malloc(3000);
  Debug( make_invisible(p) );
  Debug( list_allocations_on(libcw_do) );

  Dout(dc::notice, "test_delete(" << p << ") = " << test_delete(p));
  Dout(dc::notice, "test_delete(" << p << ") = " << test_delete(p));

  return 0;

results in

MALLOC  : malloc(3000) = 0x113aa40 []
MALLOC  : Allocated memory: 72704 bytes in 1 blocks.
malloc    0xdf00c0  <unknown type>; (sz = 72704) 
NOTICE  : test_delete(0x113aa40) = 0
NOTICE  : test_delete(0x113aa40) = 1

However, find_alloc(), the function that is explained in the next paragraph, will fail to find an «invisible» block (it will return NULL).

7.2 Retrieving information about memory allocations

Libcwd allows the developer to generate powerful debugging output; aside from being able to test if a given pointer points to the start of an allocated memory block, using test_delete(), it is even possible to find all information about an allocated memory block that is also shown in the Allocated memory Overview when given a pointer pointing anywhere inside an allocated memory block.  For example:

Compile as: g++ -g -DCWDEBUG -lcwd -o find_alloc


#include "sys.h"
#include "debug.h"

using namespace libcwd;

template<typename T1, typename T2>
  struct Foo {
    T1 for_me;
    T2 for_you;
    double d;

int main(void)
  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
  Debug( dc::malloc.on() );
  Debug( dc::notice.on() );

  Foo<char, int>* f = new Foo<char, int>;
  AllocTag(f, "Our test object");

  int* p = &f->for_you;	// Pointer that points inside `f'

  Dout(dc::notice, "f == " << static_cast<void*>(f));
  Dout(dc::notice, "p == " << static_cast<void*>(p));

#ifdef CWDEBUG
  alloc_ct const* alloc = find_alloc(p);
	 "p points inside \""
      << alloc->description()
      << "\" starting at "
      << alloc->start()
      << " with size "
      << alloc->size()
      << '.');
	 "This memory block contains a \""
      << alloc->type_info().demangled_name() << "\".");
	 "The allocation type is `"
      << alloc->memblk_type()
      << "' and was allocated at "
      << alloc->location()
      << '.');

  return 0;

The output of this program is

MALLOC  : operator new (size = 16) = 0x1dfe0a0 []
NOTICE  : f == 0x1dfe0a0
NOTICE  : p == 0x1dfe0a4
NOTICE  : p points inside "Our test object" starting at 0x1dfe0a0 with size 16.
NOTICE  : This memory block contains a "Foo<char, int>*".
NOTICE  : The allocation type is `memblk_type_new' and was allocated at

Note that the type returned by alloc->type_info().demangled_name() is the type of the pointer passed to AllocTag(): This string will always end on a '*'

The original reason for supporting pointers that point inside a memory block and not just to the start of it, was so that it could be used in base classes of objects derived with multiple inheritance: find_alloc(this) will always return the correct memory block, even if there is an offset between this and the real start of the allocated block.  The same holds for arrays of objects allocated with new[].

It is also possible to get the values for the number of bytes and blocks allocated in total, as is printed at the top of each Allocated memory Overview.  See the next paragraph.

7.3 Memory leak detection

mem_blocks() and mem_size() (like everything else defined in namespace libcwd) can be used to write a very simply memory leak detection system:

Compile as: g++ -g -DCWDEBUG -lcwd -o total_alloc


#include "sys.h"
#include "debug.h"

using namespace libcwd;

int main(void)
  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
  Debug( dc::malloc.on() );

  char* memory_leak = new char [300];
  AllocTag(memory_leak, "memory_leak");

  // Debug( make_invisible(memory_leak) );

#ifdef CWDEBUG
  if (mem_blocks() > 0)
    Dout(dc::warning, "There are still " << mem_size() << " bytes allocated!");
    Dout(dc::malloc, "No memory leaks.");

  return 0;

The output of this program is:

MALLOC  : operator new[] (size = 300) = 0xc5c540 []
WARNING : There are still 73004 bytes allocated!

Invisible blocks are not detected!  When you comment out the Debug( make_invisible(memory_leak) ); then the output will read

MALLOC  : operator new[] (size = 300) = 0x804fc88
MALLOC  : No memory leaks.

This allows you to improve the memory leak detection a bit in the case of global objects that allocate memory.  Nevertheless, that is bad coding: you shouldn't define global objects that allocate memory.

Here is an example program anyway:

Compile as: g++ -g -DCWDEBUG -lcwd -o memleak


#include "sys.h"
#include "debug.h"

class A {
  char* dynamic_memory;
    dynamic_memory = new char [300];
    AllocTag(dynamic_memory, "A::dynamic_memory");
    if (dynamic_memory)
      delete [] dynamic_memory;

// Global object that allocates memory (bad programming!)
A a;

int main(void)
  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
  Debug( dc::malloc.on() );

#ifdef CWDEBUG
  if (libcwd::mem_blocks() > 0)
    Dout(dc::malloc|dc::warning, "Memory leak");
    Debug( list_allocations_on(libcw_do) );
    Dout(dc::malloc, "No memory leaks.");

  return 0;

results in

MALLOC  : Memory leak
MALLOC  : Allocated memory: 73004 bytes in 2 blocks.
new[]     0x1504d50   char[300]; (sz = 300)  A::dynamic_memory
malloc    0x132f0c0  <unknown type>; (sz = 72704) 
MALLOC  : delete[] 0x1504d50   char[300]; (sz = 300)  A::dynamic_memory 

simply because A::dynamic_memory is not deleted until after main.

A simple kludge is to make all memory allocated before main, invisible:

Compile as: g++ -g -DCWDEBUG -lcwd -o memleak2


#include "sys.h"
#include "debug.h"

class A {
  char* dynamic_memory;
    dynamic_memory = new char [300];
    AllocTag(dynamic_memory, "A::dynamic_memory");
    if (dynamic_memory)
      delete [] dynamic_memory;

// Global object that allocates memory (bad programming!)
A a;

int main(void)
  Debug( make_all_allocations_invisible_except(NULL) );

  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
  Debug( dc::malloc.on() );

#ifdef CWDEBUG
  if (libcwd::mem_blocks() > 0)
    Dout(dc::malloc|dc::warning, "Memory leak");
    Debug( list_allocations_on(libcw_do) );
    Dout(dc::malloc, "No memory leaks.");

  return 0;

which will simply output

MALLOC  : No memory leaks.

Libcwd provides an alternative way to check for memory leaks using so called «markers».  A marker is like a directory, any allocation made after a marker is created is put into that directory.  When a marker is removed and there are still allocation inside it, you will get a warning!  In the following example we allocate a memory block, then set a marker and next allocate two more memory blocks.  The Allocated memory Overview is then printed.

Compile as: g++ -g -DCWDEBUG -lcwd -o marker


#include "sys.h"
#include "debug.h"

int main(void)
  Debug( make_all_allocations_invisible_except(NULL) );
  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
  Debug( dc::malloc.on() );

  int* p1 = new int [10];
  AllocTag(p1, "p1");

  libcwd::marker_ct* marker = new libcwd::marker_ct("A test marker");

  int* p2 = new int [20];
  AllocTag(p2, "p2");

  int* p3 = new int [30];
  AllocTag(p3, "p3");

  Debug( list_allocations_on(libcw_do) );

  // Delete the marker while there are still allocations inside it
  delete marker;

  return 0;

The output of this program is:

MALLOC  : operator new[] (size = 40) = 0x170f020 []
MALLOC  : operator new (size = 16) = 0x160f010 []
MALLOC  : New libcwd::marker_ct at 0x160f010
MALLOC  : operator new[] (size = 80) = 0x16b0ff0 []
MALLOC  : operator new[] (size = 120) = 0x17ab9c0 []
MALLOC  : Allocated memory: 256 bytes in 4 blocks.
(MARKER)  0x160f010   <marker>; (sz = 16)  A test marker
    new[]     0x17ab9c0   int[30]; (sz = 120)  p3
    new[]     0x16b0ff0   int[20]; (sz = 80)  p2
new[]     0x170f020   int[10]; (sz = 40)  p1
MALLOC  : Removing libcwd::marker_ct at 0x160f010 (A test marker)
  * WARNING : Memory leak detected!
  * new[]     0x17ab9c0   int[30]; (sz = 120)  p3
  * new[]     0x16b0ff0   int[20]; (sz = 80)  p2
MALLOC  : delete 0x160f010   <marker>; (sz = 16)  A test marker 

Individual allocations (or other markers, inclusive everything they contain) can be moved outside a marker with the function move_outside().  For example, we could move the allocation of p2 outside our marker:

Compile as: g++ -g -DCWDEBUG -lcwd -o marker2


#include "sys.h"
#include "debug.h"

int main(void)
  Debug( make_all_allocations_invisible_except(NULL) );
  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
  Debug( dc::malloc.on() );

  int* p1 = new int [10];
  AllocTag(p1, "p1");

  libcwd::marker_ct* marker = new libcwd::marker_ct("A test marker");

  int* p2 = new int [20];
  AllocTag(p2, "p2");

  int* p3 = new int [30];
  AllocTag(p3, "p3");

  Debug( move_outside(marker, p2) );

  Debug( list_allocations_on(libcw_do) );

  // Delete the marker while there are still allocations inside it
  delete marker;

  return 0;

which results in the output

MALLOC  : operator new[] (size = 40) = 0x17290b0 []
MALLOC  : operator new (size = 16) = 0x1629090 []
MALLOC  : New libcwd::marker_ct at 0x1629090
MALLOC  : operator new[] (size = 80) = 0x16cb080 []
MALLOC  : operator new[] (size = 120) = 0x17c5a50 []
MALLOC  : Allocated memory: 256 bytes in 4 blocks.
new[]     0x16cb080   int[20]; (sz = 80)  p2
(MARKER)  0x1629090   <marker>; (sz = 16)  A test marker
    new[]     0x17c5a50   int[30]; (sz = 120)  p3
new[]     0x17290b0   int[10]; (sz = 40)  p1
MALLOC  : Removing libcwd::marker_ct at 0x1629090 (A test marker)
  * WARNING : Memory leak detected!
  * new[]     0x17c5a50   int[30]; (sz = 120)  p3
MALLOC  : delete 0x1629090   <marker>; (sz = 16)  A test marker 

Copyright © 2001, 2002 Carlo Wood.  All rights reserved.